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It's the weekend, let's talk boundaries...

Updated: Dec 30, 2021

What will you do to set boundaries to protect yourself, your time, and the time with your loved ones this weekend?

Setting and sustaining boundaries is a skill that comes with practice. I'll admit since starting my business, I might have lost the art of creating boundaries.⁠

We create boundaries for some of the following reasons... ⁠

🌟 To nurture ourselves by practicing self-care. It contributes to our mental health and sense of wellbeing⁠,⁠

🌟 To protect time with our family and friends,⁠

🌟 To be consciously aware of habits around social media and other mind numbing habits. Some make us feel calm and happy while others have the potential to overwhelm and act as triggers for stress and anxiety (imagine overstaying your welcome in this area!)⁠, and ⁠

🌟 Boundaries for work...

What do you do to create and sustain boundaries in the various areas of your life?⁠

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