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Self Belief Is A Super Power

What's your Super Power? Mine is making champagne disappear but hey that's not what this is about!

Self Belief is not always a given and for most of us, it's something we need to cultivate over a period of time. So how do you cultivate self-belief? Here are some of my favourites:

  1. Who are you? Knowing who you want to be should be a source of inspiration and what you remind yourself of when self-doubt or any of those negative thoughts threaten your equilibrium.

  2. Practice affirming yourself. Find one or two affirmations and repeat them daily. It really does need to be something that resonates and that you truly believe, or it just won't stick.

  3. You know the saying; you cannot pour from an empty cup? It's true. Take care of yourself and your wellbeing and you'll feel prepared to take care of those around you.

  4. Your diet is not only what you eat, it's what you watch, what you listen to, what you read and the people you surround yourself with. Be mindful of the things you put into your body physically, emotionally as well as spiritually.

  5. Your vibe attracts your tribe - get rid of those people who trigger negativity, make you doubt yourself or inspire a sense of obligation. Get rid. It will create space in your life for new, more meaningful connections.

  6. There is nothing more rewarding than making others feel amazing. Support others. Give your time to charity, and experience fulfillment and happiness by knowing you're helping others.

  7. Feel the fear, and do it anyway. The sense of accomplishment and the rewards are almost always even greater than we had anticipated.

The Only Thing Limiting Us In Life Is Our Belief That There Are Limits

Often our limiting beliefs and the decisions we make stem from our childhood. So, acknowledge what may have contributed to your lack of self-belief, revisit that moment and with the knowledge and life experience you have now, let that sh!t go! It does not define you. It is absolutely part of who you are but it does not have to dictate your future. Those negative thoughts may still make an appearance, and when they do, STOP what you're doing, acknowledge the thought and change the narrative with a more positive one. Be the cheerleader you would normally be to your best friend. What would you say to your best friend? Talk to yourself (loudly if you have to!), the way you would your best friend and celebrate your awesomeness.

Read this..... I am reading an incredible book by Mel Robbins - The High 5 Habit So much of her work is inspiring and very motivating. It's a book that speaks to each and every one of us on a personal and completely relatable level. This book will very quickly have you going beyond the physical to celebrate who you are and have you high fiving yourself in record time (yes, I did feel like a complete idiot the first few attempts!). Be prepared to laugh as you learn to take steps to boost your confidence, acknowledge your happiness and celebrate the most important person in your life...YOU!

Listen to this.....

If reading isn't your thing and you need more Happy in your life, The Happy Place podcast with Fearne Cotton interviews Mel Robbins about the book and you can listen to it here. Happy Place podcast is a go-to to add a little "happy", guests on the podcast share their stories about life, love, loss, and everything in-between as they reveal what happiness means to them, and who doesn't love being surrounded by happiness?!

As a professionally trained Business & Mindset Coach I help women kickstart their careers and reset their mindsets, freeing them from limiting beliefs and giving them the confidence they need to find their very own superpower and realise their self-worth. If you are looking for help or want to connect you can find me daily on LinkedIn or Instagram

xoxo Carla

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