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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly... it's all part of the process.

Updated: Dec 30, 2021

Don't wait until you're feeling overwhelmed to check in with yourself.

We all get caught out by our overwhelm because we just keep going, thinking thoughts like "if I can just get through this... [complete as appropriate]", and then seem surprised by how insanely frenetic our lives feel as we keep piling one thing on top of the other.

If you feel like you have well and truly moved into the zone of overwhelm and your negative committee is hard at work, take the time (it's the weekend after all) and create space for self-reflection. Check in with yourself and make sure you are in alignment with what you're committing yourself to.

Do a scan of what's working in your life and what isn't. If something feels out of alignment, take the time to find the source and ask yourself what you can do to change it. Have the courage to make the changes you need to make to feel more aligned and know that it is absolutely ok to ditch what's no longer working for you, to create space to focus your energy on what is.

True fulfilment comes from living our lives on purpose and with purpose. Be intentional with yourself and your life.

As I'm sure you'll have guessed, I have always been a planner but since launching my own business, planning my week is a non-negotiable. It's a game changer. Plan your week, so simple, but so effective. Have a look at your calendar; cancel appointments and meetings you felt obliged to accept and reallocate the time for yourself, for those you love and to do something that sparks joy for you every day.

Start small. All big things come from small beginnings, and give yourself permission to fall in love with the process of becoming the very best version of yourself.

xoxo Carla

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