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Trust the Magic of New Beginnings

Updated: Dec 30, 2021

Trust the magic of New Beginnings✨

Sunday rituals set you up for the new week and can really have an impact on how your week plays out. It's also the opportunity for a fresh start.

Be kind to yourself today while you start mentally preparing for the week ahead.

I've created a little Sunday List to help you prepare for your week;

What do you need to get done this week? Write your To-Do List. Get it out of your head onto something visual. Once you've done that, prioritise your top five for the week.

Have a look at your planner;

  • Clear your calendar of the meetings you felt obliged to accept, or those that are not adding value to your life right now

  • Schedule your priorities for the week

  • Schedule "you" time [sincerely]

Give meal planning a go! This definitely has to be part of my planning on a Sunday otherwise it's a experience in our house and goes something like this:

"Mommy, what's for dinner... " 😱 "Errrmm, well, I don't know, I've been a little distracted by my business".

This way, you'll even know what to put on your grocery list.

If the weather allows, get out into nature.

Go to bed early... the bedtime phone scroll is such a bad habit, attempt to put it down and fall asleep after reading a book.

Sunday is the perfect day to reset for the week... and to Trust the Magic of YOUR New Beginning 💖

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